Saturday, April 25, 2015

TOW #27: Written - "Inaugural Address" by John F. Kennedy

With the scare of Communism, the Cold War, and the conflict with Vietnam, the United States was in an unstable situation; the future president, who must be chosen wisely, had a heavy burden and weight on his shoulders. President John F. Kennedy understood the importance of his term, which is seen in his inaugural address. By utilizing an optimistic tone and chiasmus, Kennedy reassures the American people by speaking of a time of change and transition.

President Kennedy knew that the inaugural address would be a small reflection of his term as president; Kennedy established an optimistic, hopeful tone to provide a fighting spirit and peace to the American people who were fearful of the chaos. As Kennedy states that "the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans" and  "let us begin anew," the president speaks of a transitioning period, in which there will be a new start and a new age of America. In addition, Kennedy states that "the energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it--and the glow from that fire can truly light the world," which, once again, shows Kennedy's attempts of bringing reassurance and hope for the future under his guidance and leadership.

One of the most famous lines from President Kennedy's speech is "and so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." This famous usage of chiasmsus gives the effect of parallel structure, which allows the ending of Kennedy's address be memorable and easy to understand. Not only does the usage of chiasmsus help Kennedy's flow and impact, but it also gives a call to action to the people. In the beginning of Kennedy's speech, he specifically addresses nations, adversaries, and the world. The transition from the address to the world to the address to the people is powerful; Kennedy stresses that in order to achieve the hope and peace that the country desires, the people must also take an active role. 

In a time of chaos and fear, Kennedy's inaugural address has been remembered throughout history due its brilliant usage of rhetoric that addressed the problems that occurred at the time. With his usage of an optimistic tone and chiasmsus, Kennedy successfully reassures the American people. As the inaugural address signified Kennedy's first words as president, he understood the weight of his words and with his meticulous selection of rhetoric, Kennedy's entrance into the presidency is one to remember.  

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